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Emergency response project for food security and strengthening livelihoods

Currently, over 17 million people in Yemen are affected by hunger, including 2.7 million children who are acutely malnourished. The conflict has led to widespread displacement and the destruction of agricultural infrastructure, resulting in a sharp decline in food production and high food costs.

Al Marawi'ah district is one of the most food insecure districts in Yemen. The project contributes to improving food security and livelihoods for IDPs, the host community and disadvantaged groups.
Project country
Project period
October 2023 - September 2024
  • Conducting three consecutive distribution rounds of unconditional food vouchers to 100 most vulnerable IDPs and host community households
  • Conducting two different vocational trainings for 15 of the most vulnerable beneficiaries including initial equipment
  • Distributing livestock as in-kind donation to 15 beneficiaries
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