Hoffnung für Straßenkinder
Flag of DR Congo

DR Congo

Despite the enormous wealth of natural resources, many people in the republic live in poverty and hunger.
The DR Congo is the second largest country in Africa in terms of area and the fourth largest with a population of around 100 million, according to the Human Development Report 2021/2022. The country is also one of the richest in raw materials in the world. Nevertheless, it is one of the poorest due to exploitation, corruption and years of war. The country's social and health care systems are very poor. Subsistence farming prevails in most rural regions. Human rights are little respected, especially in war zones.
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Projects in this country

Gruppenfoto Straßenkinder (DRK)

Emergency assistance for vulnerable children in Bukavu

A long-simmering conflict in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo is escalating. After the so-called M23 rebels took control of Bukavu (February 2025), the security situation has changed drastically and is currently only slowly calming down. The aim is to support children who are even...
Bildung für benachteiligte Kinder

Education for disadvantaged children

For children from disadvantaged families in Bukavu in the Democratic Republic of Congo, lack of access to education is a major problem. Due to a lack of alternatives, they are forced to make a living through irregular, sometimes dangerous work or petty crime on the streets. The project promotes...
Viele Menschen in der DR Kongo haben aufgrund der schwierigen Lebensumstände im Land nie gelernt, Felder ertragreich zu bestellen. Deshalb ermöglichen wir den Dorfbewohnern Schulungen im Anbau von Gemüse.

Fighting hunger with learning groups and community field work

More than 2.2 million children in the DR Congo are malnourished. Child mortality is extremely high, largely due to inadequate nutrition. In their distress, families resort to the cheapest foods, but these do not adequately provide children with the nutrients they need. The province of Sud-Ubangi is...
Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft durch Waldfeldbau

Sustainable agriculture through forest farming

The Bas Congo region is characterised by structural poverty, and crop yields are continuously declining. Sign of Hope supports the local partner organisation to train the poorest families in modern agricultural techniques, thus enabling them to harvest safely.
Tägliches Mittagessen für Straßenkinder

Daily lunches for street children

Street children who find refuge in the care and re-integration program of the Archdiocese of Bukavu are housed, educated and prepared for a normal life there. To ensure that they have the energy they need for this, Sign of Hope supports them with a nutritious hot meal each day.
Straßenkinder schützen, Menschenrechte wahren

Protecting street children, upholding human rights

Street children are among the most vulnerable population groups in the DR Congo and at the same time the most ostracized and mistreated. Sign of Hope supports the re-integration program of the Archdiocese of Bukavu, which works to protect the rights of street children with the help of a lawyer and...
Unterstützung für minderjährige Inhaftierte

Support for juvenile detainees

The conditions in Bukavu Juvenile Detention Center are being improved through psychosocial care for the detainees and the remodeling of cells. Released as well as still imprisoned street children and youths are given training to open up future prospects for them and help them re-integrate back into...

Country reports

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