Trust in our actions is the highest asset for our work as a human rights and aid organisation. The trust of the donors, the employees, the project partners, the project participants and especially the beneficiaries represents the basis of successful work. We accept this responsibility and act accordingly.
To this end, we have developed a code of conduct that is binding for all Sign of Hope employees and which is also shared with cooperation partners. In addition, we have developed guidelines for avoiding and dealing with sexual harassment and corruption, among other things. Any violation of these guidelines can be reported to Sign of Hope directly or anonymously.
Our integrity platform for reporting concerns is available to anyone inside or outside of Sign of Hope.
Code of Conduct
Complaints & Whistleblowing Policy
Security Policy
Preventing Corruption, Money Laundering, and Financing of Terrorism Policy
Supplier Declaration
Partnership Policy
Policy on Child Protection & Protection from Sexual Exploitation & Abuse
Finance Policy