Human dignity

For us, every human being is valuable, created by God, loved and is entitled to a life of dignity. Our work should enable the people we support to live in dignity. To achieve this goal, we are guided by four dimensions of dignity.
Lächelnde Frau mit Kind

The dignity dimensions

We think of human dignity as the ability of human beings to stand tall, to raise their heads and to exercise control over their lives. In the legal literature, the concept of human dignity is composed of four dimensions:

  • Dimension 1: Respect for and protection of bodily integrity
    A person must not be harmed. With the help of the first dignity dimension, we work to preserve a person's physical integrity.
  • Dimension 2: Safeguarding the essentials of life
    A person needs food, clothing, hygiene and shelter for a dignified existence. Through the second dignity dimension, we secure these essential livelihoods for those in need.
  • Dimension 3: Ensuring basic legal equality
    No human being may be legally devalued, because all human beings are equal before the law. With the help of the third dignity dimension, we ensure basic legal equality for all.
  • Dimension 4: Safeguarding personal identity and integrity
    A person must be able to decide for themselves and express their opinion freely in order to be able to develop freely. Through the fourth dignity dimension, we protect the identity and integrity of each individual.

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In countries where human dignity is not guaranteed by the state, Sign of Hope carries out human rights projects and stands with the poorest. Join us in working for a life in dignity.

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