Hoffnungszeichen unterstützt weltweit Menschen in Not

Floods, earthquakes, violence or hunger rob hundreds of thousands of their livelihoods every year. Immediate aid is often vital for their survival.

In the field of humanitarian assistance, which consists of emergency and disaster relief, Sign of Hope supports people in need worldwide. Humanitarian assistance is understood primarily as survival aid. In our work, we include self-help forces and also aim to promote the reduction of vulnerability to disasters.

In short-term disaster relief, Sign of Hope quickly and unbureaucratically ensures the survival of people who have been distressed worldwide by devastating natural events and have often lost everything. In doing so, Sign of Hope works primarily with local project partners who are best able to assess the needs of those affected.

In short- and medium-term emergency assistance, Sign of Hope responds to situations in defined priority countries where the timely delivery of relief supplies is important for people's survival. This aid is often targeted at populations affected by prolonged crises, especially conflict or war, but also by environmental pollution or climate change. When there is a thorough improvement in an emergency situation, emergency relief projects can be followed by long-term development cooperation projects.

We base our work on the international standards of humanitarian assistance - the "Core Humanitarian Standards", the guidelines of "Sphere" and the Code of Conduct of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement are mentioned here.

Humanitarian assistance includes reconstruction and rehabilitation measures in addition to "classic" food distributions, emergency health programs and programs to secure drinking water supplies. After flood and drought damage, for example, seeds and agricultural tools are distributed and infrastructure is rebuilt so that people can sustainably ensure their survival.

Projects on the topic

Mobile Klinik im Irak

Mobile clinic in Iraq

In northern Iraq, many people who have fled the ISIS terror live in remote locations or in informal refugee camps. Access to medicine is particularly difficult here. Sign of Hope supports the local project partner to provide people with basic treatments and medicines.
Frauen, Kinder und Schwache zuerst

Women, children and the weak first

In the spring and fall of each year, our Armenian employees distribute food to socially disadvantaged families, the elderly, orphans and war widows who are in need of immediate assistance due to a lack of family or other support. Due to the outbreak of war in the fall of 2020, many families have...
Brunnenrehabilitierung zur verbesserten Trinkwasserversorgung

Well rehabilitation for improved drinking water supply

Access to clean drinking water is severely limited, especially in the areas of South Sudan most affected by the violent conflicts. In order to make this vital resource available to the suffering population, Sign of Hope is rehabilitating 20 selected drinking water wells and ensuring their future...
Wiederaufbau nach dem Beben

Reconstruction after the quake

In April/May 2015, two major earthquakes shook the country. Almost 9,000 people died and hundreds of thousands of homes were destroyed. 240 families receive materials, training and assistance to rebuild earthquake-resistant houses.
Hilfsgüter für Vertriebene

Relief supplies for displaced persons

Together with two local partner organisations, Sign of Hope supports displaced people in northern Iraq with food, hygiene items and warm relief supplies. Many were directly affected by the atrocities of the Islamic State. So far, a total of around 7,000 people have been provided with the most basic...
Nothilfe für burundische Flüchtlinge

Emergency aid for Burundian refugees

In Rwanda, not far from the border with Burundi, is Mahama Camp, one of the fastest growing refugee camps in the world. Sign of Hope provides direct aid to the vulnerable people fleeing the violent conflicts in their home country.
"Steh auf und geh"

"Get up and walk"

At the Prosthesis Center in Stephanakert, numerous mine-explosion victims receive custom-fit prostheses that enable them to live their daily lives with dignity. Home visits are made to patients who cannot reach the center due to physical and financial deficits.
Flüchtlingshilfe in Afar

Refugee aid in Afar

Thousands of refugees from Eritrea suffer from inadequate access to drinking water and sanitary facilities in the Ethiopian refugee camp Aysaita. The construction of water points, latrines and shower cabins is helping to improve the supply situation sustainably in the long term.
Bitterer Winter, bittere Not

Bitter winter, bitter hardship

In two winter relief campaigns, our employees Wigen Aghanikjan and Aljona Zeytunyan hand over food packages, soap and washing powder to 150 families each year. The recipients are victims of the 1988 earthquake - destitute families, some of whom still live in destroyed houses, pensioners and invalids...

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