Nahrung und Trinkwasser: zentrale Bedeutung in der humanitären Hilfe

As important as food and nutrition are for human life, these basic human needs are centrally addressed by Sign of Hope in both humanitarian assistance and development cooperation. Satisfying food and the intake of essential nutrients are central to the fight to overcome poverty, disease and hunger in many countries of the global South. According to the World Food Programme, 821 million people suffer from hunger - one in nine worldwide - particularly affected are developing countries in Asia and Africa. The challenges posed by climate change will require even greater efforts from the global community in the future.

Both in long-term projects and as part of short- to medium-term relief efforts, Sign of Hope works with its local partner organisations to improve the lives of marginalised and suffering populations. Whether in the context of agricultural training to increase crop yields, through food distributions in the wake of famine, or in improving marketing opportunities for agricultural products: The focus is on providing direct assistance to disadvantaged people so that they have sufficient food or can generate an income by selling surpluses, in acute shortage situations as well as in structurally existing poverty.

The needs of these people, their participation in the projects as well as the empowerment of self-help are fundamental guidelines, according to which Sign of Hope aligns itself in the planning and implementation of partnership as well as independently implemented projects. The projects, from the establishment of a network of smallholder field schools to the distribution of food rations and seed production, are accompanied by thematic training as well as education and awareness-raising measures for the population to be supported. This ensures the greatest possible impact beyond the immediate relief and development activities.

Projects on the topic

Jeder der kann, hilft, die Säcke vorzubereiten, die Nahrung wie Mais und Sorghum auszuteilen oder den Kraftlosen zu helfen, ihre Rationen zu transportieren.

Food in the greatest need

Thousands of people are fleeing their home villages because of drought and war. Many families are seeking refuge in the diocese of Rumbek. But hunger prevails here as well - both among the locals and the refugees. We are helping with foodstuffs such as beans, maize and sorghum to tide them over...
Niro Kaarah ist eine der Mütter, die dankbar die Hilfe entgegennehmen. Ihre wenigen verbliebenen Ziegen geben keine Milch mehr und können so ihre acht Kinder nicht ernähren.

Maize and Beans for the Starving

In northern Kenya, on the border with Ethiopia, the Dassenech community in the village of Illeret is suffering from the death of their livestock and thus from acute food shortages - a hunger crisis threatens. It has not rained here for over a year, and many children are malnourished. We are helping...
Säcke mit Nahrung kommen an - Hoffnungszeichen-Mitarbeiterin Pia Göser hilft beim Verteilen.

Survival aid in times of famine

Extreme rainfall was followed by months of drought, and the harvest spoiled: According to the United Nations, Ethiopia experienced its worst famine in 30 years towards the end of 2016. 9.7 million people are acutely affected by this consequence of climate change and the weather phenomenon El Niño...
Wir unterstützen die versehrten Menschen und ihre Familien, für die es in Zeiten von Konflikten und Hungersnot besonders schwer ist, sich alleine zu versorgen.

Help for lepers, the blind and the disabled

In times of war and crop failures, the weakest in society suffer the most: the sick and the disabled. They are often unable to provide for their families. In cooperation with the parish of St. Josephine-Bakhita, we support 120 disabled people living in Mapuordit and their families with food, seeds...
Hilfe nach dem Hurrikan

Help after the hurricane

Hurricane Matthew caused devastating damage in the Caribbean. On October 4, 2016, it reached Haiti, where more than 400 people died within two days and nearly 200,000 lost their homes.
Armenspeisung in Bergdörfern

Feeding the poor in the mountain villages

Catholic Sister Verena Birnbacher of the Ayopaya Mission Circle is the director of a social center. She takes in people who recieve no state aid and live in bitter need. Here they get a monthly package of food such as rice, bread or oil, as well as a small amount of money.
Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft durch Waldfeldbau

Sustainable agriculture through forest farming

The Bas Congo region is characterised by structural poverty, and crop yields are continuously declining. Sign of Hope supports the local partner organisation to train the poorest families in modern agricultural techniques, thus enabling them to harvest safely.
Feldschulen für ugandische Bauern

Field schools for Ugandan farmers

The production capacity of Ugandan subsistence farmers is increasingly limited, leading to increased food insecurity among the population. Sign of Hope´s local partner organisation disseminates specific expertise and builds association structures.
Frauen, Kinder und Schwache zuerst

Women, children and the weak first

In the spring and fall of each year, our Armenian employees distribute food to socially disadvantaged families, the elderly, orphans and war widows who are in need of immediate assistance due to a lack of family or other support. Due to the outbreak of war in the fall of 2020, many families have...
Medizin im Busch

Medicine in the bush

Medical care is difficult to access in South Sudan, especially for the rural population. As a result, many people continue to die from diseases that are actually curable, malnutrition and pregnancy complications. These are treated in the bush clinics in Nyal and Rumbek.

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