Nahrung und Trinkwasser: zentrale Bedeutung in der humanitären Hilfe

As important as food and nutrition are for human life, these basic human needs are centrally addressed by Sign of Hope in both humanitarian assistance and development cooperation. Satisfying food and the intake of essential nutrients are central to the fight to overcome poverty, disease and hunger in many countries of the global South. According to the World Food Programme, 821 million people suffer from hunger - one in nine worldwide - particularly affected are developing countries in Asia and Africa. The challenges posed by climate change will require even greater efforts from the global community in the future.

Both in long-term projects and as part of short- to medium-term relief efforts, Sign of Hope works with its local partner organisations to improve the lives of marginalised and suffering populations. Whether in the context of agricultural training to increase crop yields, through food distributions in the wake of famine, or in improving marketing opportunities for agricultural products: The focus is on providing direct assistance to disadvantaged people so that they have sufficient food or can generate an income by selling surpluses, in acute shortage situations as well as in structurally existing poverty.

The needs of these people, their participation in the projects as well as the empowerment of self-help are fundamental guidelines, according to which Sign of Hope aligns itself in the planning and implementation of partnership as well as independently implemented projects. The projects, from the establishment of a network of smallholder field schools to the distribution of food rations and seed production, are accompanied by thematic training as well as education and awareness-raising measures for the population to be supported. This ensures the greatest possible impact beyond the immediate relief and development activities.

Projects on the topic

Gruppenfoto Straßenkinder (DRK)

Emergency assistance for vulnerable children in Bukavu

A long-simmering conflict in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo is escalating. After the so-called M23 rebels took control of Bukavu (February 2025), the security situation has changed drastically and is currently only slowly calming down. The aim is to support children who are even...
Frauen in Saghata, Bangladesch

Sustainable food security and hygiene standards

The Saghata district in the north of Bangladesh is heavily dependent on agriculture. The region is bordered by large rivers that regularly burst their banks and destroy farmers' harvests. This and other extreme weather conditions lead to food insecurity. At the same time, there is a shortage of...
Frau mit Ziege in Bangladesch

Strengthening resilience and promoting sustainable livelihoods

The Satkhira district, in the south of Bangladesh, borders directly on the world's largest mangrove area, the Sundarbans. Life here is rural, and large sections of the population are socially disadvantaged, have low incomes and are cut off from state support and development. The population's low...
Indien Sundarbans Frauengruppe

Empowering tribal women in the Sundarbans

The Sundarbans in India (West Bengal) are the world's largest mangrove area. They protect the coastal area and the hinterland from floods, storm surges and cyclones. Tribal communities in the Sundarbans are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and have limited support to adapt to...
Schafe in Armenien

Sheep as a way out of poverty

In the Shirak region of northern Armenia, which is characterized by poverty and unemployment, 16 vulnerable families receive sheep. The sale of dairy products and wool, as well as covering the households' own needs, improves their livelihoods. The first three newborn lambs are given to other...
Kuh auf der Weide in Armenien

Cows bring hope to Armenia

Many vulnerable people live in the structurally weak north of Armenia (Shirak region), often struggling to survive. 10 of these households are being supported with the purchase of a pregnant cow. Along with training and veterinary care, this enables the families to increase their standard of living...

Emergency assistance project in the Horn of Africa

In Kenya, Ethiopia and South Sudan, it has repeatedly failed to rain in recent years, leaving people suffering from acute hunger and water shortages. Climatic changes such as droughts have a direct impact on people's lives - livestock die because they cannot find enough food and water, agriculture...
Pausenzeit ist für die meisten Kinder auf der Welt die beste Zeit – für die Schülerinnen und Schüler in Tombura und Yambio ist sie teilweise lebenswichtig, denn es gibt Essen.

Food for children in Western Equatoria

In order to provide children in the state of Western Equatoria with food and reduce malnutrition, Sign of Hope is implementing a school feeding program at kindergartens and an elementary school with the diocese of Tambura Yambio. This also promotes the children's education.

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