Hoffnungszeichen unterstützt weltweit Menschen in Not

Floods, earthquakes, violence or hunger rob hundreds of thousands of their livelihoods every year. Immediate aid is often vital for their survival.

In the field of humanitarian assistance, which consists of emergency and disaster relief, Sign of Hope supports people in need worldwide. Humanitarian assistance is understood primarily as survival aid. In our work, we include self-help forces and also aim to promote the reduction of vulnerability to disasters.

In short-term disaster relief, Sign of Hope quickly and unbureaucratically ensures the survival of people who have been distressed worldwide by devastating natural events and have often lost everything. In doing so, Sign of Hope works primarily with local project partners who are best able to assess the needs of those affected.

In short- and medium-term emergency assistance, Sign of Hope responds to situations in defined priority countries where the timely delivery of relief supplies is important for people's survival. This aid is often targeted at populations affected by prolonged crises, especially conflict or war, but also by environmental pollution or climate change. When there is a thorough improvement in an emergency situation, emergency relief projects can be followed by long-term development cooperation projects.

We base our work on the international standards of humanitarian assistance - the "Core Humanitarian Standard", the guidelines of "Sphere" and the Code of Conduct of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement are mentioned here.

Humanitarian assistance includes reconstruction and rehabilitation measures in addition to "classic" food distributions, emergency health programs and programs to secure drinking water supplies. After flood and drought damage, for example, seeds and agricultural tools are distributed and infrastructure is rebuilt so that people can sustainably ensure their survival.


Projects on the topic

Gruppenfoto Straßenkinder (DRK)

Emergency assistance for vulnerable children in Bukavu

A long-simmering conflict in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo is escalating. After the so-called M23 rebels took control of Bukavu (February 2025), the security situation has changed drastically and is currently only slowly calming down. The aim is to support children who are even...
Mann bei Hilfsmittel-Verteilung in Armenien

Multisectoral aid project in Armenia

After the Azerbaijani offensive in September 2023, hundreds of thousands of people fled from Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia. The often traumatic experiences leave physical and psychological wounds and accompany the refugees as they try to start a new life. At the same time, the past influx of refugees...
Ukrainische Kinder im Camp mit psychosozialer Betreuung

Emergency aid project in Ukraine

Millions of Ukrainians have fled the war to various regions of western Ukraine. At the same time, many people are still holding out in their eastern Ukrainian homeland. They all have one thing in common: their everyday lives have changed fundamentally - the war has dominated their lives since spring...
Syrien Anonymous

Supporting victims of gender-based violence

Gender-based violence is omnipresent in North-West Syria. Reports of physical violence, psychological abuse, sexual assault, denial of opportunities, early and forced marriage as well as sexual exploitation and abuse are common. Our local partner Amal is one of the organizations providing ongoing...

Emergency assistance project in the Horn of Africa

In Kenya, Ethiopia and South Sudan, it has repeatedly failed to rain in recent years, leaving people suffering from acute hunger and water shortages. Climatic changes such as droughts have a direct impact on people's lives - livestock die because they cannot find enough food and water, agriculture...

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