Nahrungsmittelverteilung in der DR Kongo


Food aid in Armenia, reforestation in India, clinic operations in Uganda or education project in South Sudan - here is a selection of current and past projects.

Displaying 51 - 60 of 88
Die Not von Familien mit Kleinkindern wie Buthaina ist besonders groß. Sie sind dringend auf Unterstützung angewiesen.

Famine and cholera threaten the country

23.4 million people in Yemen are dependent on humanitarian aid due to the civil war. Over two million children are acutely malnourished. One in two has no access to clean drinking water and sanitary facilities. Together with a local partner, we help with food, water and hygiene articles.
Jeder der kann, hilft, die Säcke vorzubereiten, die Nahrung wie Mais und Sorghum auszuteilen oder den Kraftlosen zu helfen, ihre Rationen zu transportieren.

Food in the greatest need

Thousands of people are fleeing their home villages because of drought and war. Many families are seeking refuge in the diocese of Rumbek. But hunger prevails here as well - both among the locals and the refugees. We are helping with foodstuffs such as beans, maize and sorghum to tide them over...
Niro Kaarah ist eine der Mütter, die dankbar die Hilfe entgegennehmen. Ihre wenigen verbliebenen Ziegen geben keine Milch mehr und können so ihre acht Kinder nicht ernähren.

Maize and Beans for the Starving

In northern Kenya, on the border with Ethiopia, the Dassenech community in the village of Illeret is suffering from the death of their livestock and thus from acute food shortages - a hunger crisis threatens. It has not rained here for over a year, and many children are malnourished. We are helping...
Familie Chatoyan in Armenien mit ihrer Kuh vom Kuhbank-Projekt

A cow for a poor family

To support families in the structurally weak city of Jajur, 15 households each receive a pregnant cow along with training and veterinary care. This enables the families to produce dairy products and meat for their own consumption and later for sale. The calves born are given to other families.
Sauberes Wasser für die Dorfgemeinschaft

Clean water for the village community

The protection of the natural water source carried out in the previous project and the establishment of water committees in the village of Ntebe are the starting points for the laying of pipes to other locations and the installation of water tanks. This will further improve the drinking water supply...
Säcke mit Nahrung kommen an - Hoffnungszeichen-Mitarbeiterin Pia Göser hilft beim Verteilen.

Survival aid in times of famine

Extreme rainfall was followed by months of drought, and the harvest spoiled: According to the United Nations, Ethiopia experienced its worst famine in 30 years towards the end of 2016. 9.7 million people are acutely affected by this consequence of climate change and the weather phenomenon El Niño...
Hoffnungszeichen-Mitarbeiterin Pia Göser freut sich mit den Dorfbewohnern über das frische Wasser, das aus dem Tanklaster fließt.

Water for ten villages

In the Ethiopian region of Afar, the consequences of climate change and the weather phenomenon El Niño are being felt particularly strongly. People are being deprived of the basis for their food because their livestock are dying and water points are drying up. In particular, by delivering water in...
Wir unterstützen die versehrten Menschen und ihre Familien, für die es in Zeiten von Konflikten und Hungersnot besonders schwer ist, sich alleine zu versorgen.

Help for lepers, the blind and the disabled

In times of war and crop failures, the weakest in society suffer the most: the sick and the disabled. They are often unable to provide for their families. In cooperation with the parish of St. Josephine-Bakhita, we support 120 disabled people living in Mapuordit and their families with food, seeds...
Aus den Fasern dieses Baumes (rechts) flechten Afar-Frauen kunstfertig lange Matten, die ihre transportfähigen Häuser bedecken. Viele fertigen sie nur für den Eigenbedarf an, doch stellt der Verkauf auch eine mögliche Einkommensquelle dar.

Microcredits to boost income

Due to recurring and intensifying droughts, around 1,200 households in Erebti (Afar region) have lost their livelihoods. Many families who used to own herds of animals now have few or no animals. The result is poverty and hunger. We support families with microcredits and guide them on how to make a...
Hilfe nach dem Hurrikan

Help after the hurricane

Hurricane Matthew caused devastating damage in the Caribbean. On October 4, 2016, it reached Haiti, where more than 400 people died within two days and nearly 200,000 lost their homes.

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