Nahrungsmittelverteilung in der DR Kongo


Food aid in Armenia, reforestation in India, clinic operations in Uganda or education project in South Sudan - here is a selection of current and past projects.

Displaying 61 - 70 of 88
Armenspeisung in Bergdörfern

Feeding the poor in the mountain villages

Catholic Sister Verena Birnbacher of the Ayopaya Mission Circle is the director of a social center. She takes in people who recieve no state aid and live in bitter need. Here they get a monthly package of food such as rice, bread or oil, as well as a small amount of money.
Kuhkredit und Schweinezucht

Cow credit and pig breeding

Livestock farming plays a major role in rural regions of Vietnam, but many farmers lack the capital to purchase animals and maintain their stables. In a revolving credit scheme, farmers' associations receive either money or animals. With the offspring they breed, they can not only provide for...
Gesunde Familien – gesunde Gesellschaft

Healthy families - healthy society

To meet the challenges of an increasingly urbanized country, our partner in Vietnam also supports social structures in urban areas. To ensure that everyone finds their place and is valued, interpersonal relationships and social integration skills are promoted. In this way, people can live in dignity...
Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft durch Waldfeldbau

Sustainable agriculture through forest farming

The Bas Congo region is characterised by structural poverty, and crop yields are continuously declining. Sign of Hope supports the local partner organisation to train the poorest families in modern agricultural techniques, thus enabling them to harvest safely.
Feldschulen für ugandische Bauern

Field schools for Ugandan farmers

The production capacity of Ugandan subsistence farmers is increasingly limited, leading to increased food insecurity among the population. Sign of Hope´s local partner organisation disseminates specific expertise and builds association structures.
Mobile Klinik im Irak

Mobile clinic in Iraq

In northern Iraq, many people who have fled the ISIS terror live in remote locations or in informal refugee camps. Access to medicine is particularly difficult here. Sign of Hope supports the local project partner to provide people with basic treatments and medicines.
Frauen, Kinder und Schwache zuerst

Women, children and the weak first

In the spring and fall of each year, our Armenian employees distribute food to socially disadvantaged families, the elderly, orphans and war widows who are in need of immediate assistance due to a lack of family or other support. Due to the outbreak of war in the fall of 2020, many families have...
Verbesserung der Trinkwasserversorgung

Improvement of drinking water supply

In the Unity sub-state, more than 180,000 people suffer from contaminated drinking water; caused by improper petroleum extraction and processing. We are helping the local people by constructing deep wells that reach a clean drinking water aquifer below the contaminated upper aquifer.
Medizin im Busch

Medicine in the bush

Medical care is difficult to access in South Sudan, especially for the rural population. As a result, many people continue to die from diseases that are actually curable, malnutrition and pregnancy complications. These are treated in the bush clinics in Nyal and Rumbek.

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