Informieren - Themen - Armutsbekämpfung

Worldwide, 767 million people live in extreme poverty, the majority of them in countries in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. They have less than 1.90 US dollars a day to live on. An overriding goal of international development cooperation is therefore to reduce poverty in countries of the global South. Both the United Nations and other international aid organisations and governments are committed to this goal. Poverty has many different causes and faces, and the approaches to poverty reduction are correspondingly diverse. These range from the creation of alternative income opportunities to the improvement of the nutritional and health situation to the establishment of schools and training opportunities for the socially weak and disadvantaged. What they all have in common, however, is that people in desolate situations are given prospects with "help for self-help" that should enable them to lead a better life in the long term. The sustainability of projects is therefore a particular priority.

While the global problem of poverty also requires political action, such as through bilateral government cooperation and fair economic agreements, cooperation with people directly at the grassroots level is an equally important and complementary approach. Sign of Hope works closely with local partners to develop project ideas that are implemented by local organisations and often with local people. Whether in the field of education, income generation or nutrition - every measure that leads to an improvement in people's quality of life makes a contribution to protecting the dignity of the individual. And this is the most important basis for a self-determined life and the way out of poverty.

Projects on the topic

Ein Ochsenkarren zur Fortbewegung in Malawi

Food in difficult times

In the Dowa and Ntchisi districts in the central region of Malawi, 80% of the population live from their own agriculture. This is not enough to provide food security due to climate change and unsustainable farming practices. The effects of these problems are the lack of food security, poverty and...
Eine verarmte Familie im Norden Armeniens

Work for women and young adults

The north of Armenia is characterised by poverty due to a lack of income opportunities, among other things. Women and young adults in particular find it difficult to find jobs in the remote provinces of Tavush and Gegharkunik. The project helps them to develop their own businesses in order to be...
Frau in Nordarmenien in ihrem Garten

Food security for smallholder farmers

Shirak province in northern Armenia is characterised by poverty and poor agriculture. As part of the project, smallholders receive seeds and are trained in improved cultivation, irrigation and crop storage methods.
Ernährungssicherung in Uganda

Improving the standard of living of smallholder farmers

In the Teso region, a large part of the population is affected by food insecurity. In the project, smallholder farmers learn how to increase their yields with the available resources and conditions. It also aims to improve their economic power through better access to the market.
Dürren, Heuschrecken und Covid-19: Bauern an ihren Grenzen

Droughts, locusts and Covid-19: Farmers at their limits

The livelihoods of many small farmers and pastoralists in the Afar region are under threat: More and more pasture and cropland is being lost due to climate-related droughts; the soil is becoming desolate and livestock is dying. At the same time, a plague of locusts is threatening the harvest. The...

Promoting climate resilient communities

The effects of climate change are leading to an increasing decline and loss of livelihoods and natural resources in the project region of Isiolo County in Kenya. The project contributes to the sustainable livelihood of the population by increasing resilience to the impacts of climate change.
Gemeindebasierte Entwicklung zur Minderung von Armut

Community-based development to alleviate poverty

The majority of the target group in Gobindaganj in northern Bangladesh live in extreme poverty and are unable to improve their own living situation in the long term without external help. In the course of establishing self-help groups, various training courses are offered and carried out. These...
Hilfe gegen die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels

Help against the effects of climate change

The effects of climate change in the form of droughts, an unpredictable onset of the rainy season and flooding, as well as the lack of alternative income opportunities, are leading to food insecurity in the Mchinji district of Malawi. The result is health problems, poverty and a lack of prospects...

Strengthening resilience against drought

Food supply is a major challenge in the Nkukula project region in the Dowa district of Malawi. One reason for this is the increasingly shorter rainy seasons and longer periods of drought, which lead to crop failures. Sign of Hope helps to improve the food security and living conditions of about 1...

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