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Worldwide, 767 million people live in extreme poverty, the majority of them in countries in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. They have less than 1.90 US dollars a day to live on. An overriding goal of international development cooperation is therefore to reduce poverty in countries of the global South. Both the United Nations and other international aid organisations and governments are committed to this goal. Poverty has many different causes and faces, and the approaches to poverty reduction are correspondingly diverse. These range from the creation of alternative income opportunities to the improvement of the nutritional and health situation to the establishment of schools and training opportunities for the socially weak and disadvantaged. What they all have in common, however, is that people in desolate situations are given prospects with "help for self-help" that should enable them to lead a better life in the long term. The sustainability of projects is therefore a particular priority.

While the global problem of poverty also requires political action, such as through bilateral government cooperation and fair economic agreements, cooperation with people directly at the grassroots level is an equally important and complementary approach. Sign of Hope works closely with local partners to develop project ideas that are implemented by local organisations and often with local people. Whether in the field of education, income generation or nutrition - every measure that leads to an improvement in people's quality of life makes a contribution to protecting the dignity of the individual. And this is the most important basis for a self-determined life and the way out of poverty.

Projects on the topic

Gute Ernährung, gutes Einkommen

Good nutrition, good income

2,000 women earn their own income and generate a healthy diet through vegetable cultivation and other activities. In addition, they learn to organise themselves, demand their rights and better protect themselves from the consequences of natural disasters.
Rehabilitierung von Weideland

Rehabilitation of pastoral land

Long periods of drought in Ethiopia's northeastern lowlands severely affect the lives of the semi-nomadic pastoralists of the Afar people. Drinking water and food for both humans and animals are scarce. The return of a river course to its original river bed and the collection of rainwater help.
Bodenschutz für Mensch, Tier und Umwelt

Soil protection for humans, animals and the environment

Rain rarely falls in the Afar region. But when dry riverbeds fill up, the water masses often sweep away the soil instead of irrigating it. With the help of weirs, the flow rate can be slowed down and the water can seep into the surrounding countryside. This allows pasture grass for animals to grow...

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