Informieren - Themen - Armutsbekämpfung

Worldwide, 767 million people live in extreme poverty, the majority of them in countries in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. They have less than 1.90 US dollars a day to live on. An overriding goal of international development cooperation is therefore to reduce poverty in countries of the global South. Both the United Nations and other international aid organisations and governments are committed to this goal. Poverty has many different causes and faces, and the approaches to poverty reduction are correspondingly diverse. These range from the creation of alternative income opportunities to the improvement of the nutritional and health situation to the establishment of schools and training opportunities for the socially weak and disadvantaged. What they all have in common, however, is that people in desolate situations are given prospects with "help for self-help" that should enable them to lead a better life in the long term. The sustainability of projects is therefore a particular priority.

While the global problem of poverty also requires political action, such as through bilateral government cooperation and fair economic agreements, cooperation with people directly at the grassroots level is an equally important and complementary approach. Sign of Hope works closely with local partners to develop project ideas that are implemented by local organisations and often with local people. Whether in the field of education, income generation or nutrition - every measure that leads to an improvement in people's quality of life makes a contribution to protecting the dignity of the individual. And this is the most important basis for a self-determined life and the way out of poverty.

Projects on the topic

Pflanzen von Auberginen

Agricultural education for displaced people and locals

People from South Sudan in particular, but also from the DR Congo, are finding refuge in northwestern Uganda. In the district of Arua around the community of Adraa, our goal is to teach refugees as well as locals basic agricultural and commercial skills. As part of a school-based training program...
Gemeindebasierte Regenerierung fragiler Ökosysteme

Community-based regeneration of fragile ecosystems.

The Teso region is one of the areas in Uganda most affected by climate change. Increasing changes in rainy seasons, droughts and the general climate pose new challenges for the population around the community of Awoja. This is where the project comes in. The threatened ecosystem is to be regenerated...
Ein Reisbauer bestellt sein vom Klimawandel bedrohtes Feld.

Adaptation to climate change in the Sundarban Islands

The Sundarban Islands are located in the Ganges Delta in the Indian state of West Bengal. Due to rising sea levels, they are particularly affected by the effects of climate change. The aim of the project is to protect the ecosystem and the livelihood of the local population. Together, long-term...
Viele Menschen in der DR Kongo haben aufgrund der schwierigen Lebensumstände im Land nie gelernt, Felder ertragreich zu bestellen. Deshalb ermöglichen wir den Dorfbewohnern Schulungen im Anbau von Gemüse.

Fighting hunger with learning groups and community field work

More than 2.2 million children in the DR Congo are malnourished. Child mortality is extremely high, largely due to inadequate nutrition. In their distress, families resort to the cheapest foods, but these do not adequately provide children with the nutrients they need. The province of Sud-Ubangi is...
Familie Chatoyan in Armenien mit ihrer Kuh vom Kuhbank-Projekt

A cow for a poor family

To support families in the structurally weak city of Jajur, 15 households each receive a pregnant cow along with training and veterinary care. This enables the families to produce dairy products and meat for their own consumption and later for sale. The calves born are given to other families.
Wir unterstützen die versehrten Menschen und ihre Familien, für die es in Zeiten von Konflikten und Hungersnot besonders schwer ist, sich alleine zu versorgen.

Help for lepers, the blind and the disabled

In times of war and crop failures, the weakest in society suffer the most: the sick and the disabled. They are often unable to provide for their families. In cooperation with the parish of St. Josephine-Bakhita, we support 120 disabled people living in Mapuordit and their families with food, seeds...
Aus den Fasern dieses Baumes (rechts) flechten Afar-Frauen kunstfertig lange Matten, die ihre transportfähigen Häuser bedecken. Viele fertigen sie nur für den Eigenbedarf an, doch stellt der Verkauf auch eine mögliche Einkommensquelle dar.

Microcredits to boost income

Due to recurring and intensifying droughts, around 1,200 households in Erebti (Afar region) have lost their livelihoods. Many families who used to own herds of animals now have few or no animals. The result is poverty and hunger. We support families with microcredits and guide them on how to make a...
Kuhkredit und Schweinezucht

Cow credit and pig breeding

Livestock farming plays a major role in rural regions of Vietnam, but many farmers lack the capital to purchase animals and maintain their stables. In a revolving credit scheme, farmers' associations receive either money or animals. With the offspring they breed, they can not only provide for...
Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft durch Waldfeldbau

Sustainable agriculture through forest farming

The Bas Congo region is characterised by structural poverty, and crop yields are continuously declining. Sign of Hope supports the local partner organisation to train the poorest families in modern agricultural techniques, thus enabling them to harvest safely.
Feldschulen für ugandische Bauern

Field schools for Ugandan farmers

The production capacity of Ugandan subsistence farmers is increasingly limited, leading to increased food insecurity among the population. Sign of Hope´s local partner organisation disseminates specific expertise and builds association structures.

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