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Was Hoffnungszeichen leistet
Sign of Hope is committed to a world characterized by human dignity, humanity and justice. To this end, we work in the areas of human rights, humanitarian assistance and development cooperation. Get to know our main topics and countries.
Wer Hoffnungszeichen ist
Sign of Hope is a faith-based Christian organisation for human rights, humanitarian assistance and development cooperation. We help people in need and distress worldwide, focusing on the dignity of each individual. Our headquarters are located in Konstanz in Germany.

Report on environmental pollution from pipeline ruptures in South Sudan

Results report of February 25, 2020 on satellite-based monitoring activities of Sign of Hope e.V. on massive oil pollution caused by several pipeline ruptures in South Sudan.

Annual Report 2020 of Sign of Hope

Facts and figures on the reporting year 2020 of Hoffnungszeichen │ Sign of Hope e.V. incl. information on the Hoffnungszeichen | Sign of Hope Foundation.

Finance Policy

Our "Standard Operating Procedures" provide a binding description of the internal and external guidelines, processes and rules for financial accounting at Sign of Hope.

Notice of exemption of Hoffnungszeichen | Sign of Hope e.V.

Last notice of exemption of Hoffnungszeichen | Sign of Hope e.V. from the tax office Konstanz in Germany dated 13.05.2024 for the year 2022 with confirmation of non-profit status and charitable activities.

Association articles of Hoffnungszeichen | Sign of Hope e.V.

Current association articles of Sign of Hope for viewing.

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