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Annual Report 2021 of Sign of Hope

Facts and figures on the reporting year 2021 of Hoffnungszeichen │ Sign of Hope e.V. incl. information on the Hoffnungszeichen | Sign of Hope Foundation.

Notice of exemption of Hoffnungszeichen │ Sign of Hope Foundation

Last notice of exemption of the Hoffnungszeichen | Sign of Hope Foundation from the tax office Konstanz in Germany dated 03.05.2023 for the year 2021 with confirmation of non-profit status and charitable activities.

Scientific article published in the Central Journal of Geology and Paleontology (2014)

Effect of oil exploration and production on the salinity of a marginally permeable aquifer system in the Thar Jath, Mala and Unity Oilfields, Southern Sudan (Rüskamp, Ariki, Stieglitz, Treskatis).

Guiding principle of Hoffnungszeichen | Sign of Hope e.V.

Who is Sign of Hope? What are our goals? How do we want to achieve them? What values do we stand for and what is our motivation? Find out in our guiding principle.

Infographic "Drinking water pollution in South Sudan"

South Sudan/Unity State: Simplified illustration of the relationship between oil production, drinking water pollution and poisoning of people.

Drinking water contamination South Sudan: Affected area

The Thar Jath oil field is located in the Unity sub-state in northern South Sudan.

Drinking water contamination South Sudan: Water sampling results

The drinking water from the hand wells in the villages contains heavy metals, salts and chemicals originating from oil production. The closer the sampling point is to the oil field, the higher the contamination of the water.

Drinking water contamination South Sudan: Results of hair analyses

The polluted water from the village wells has a direct impact on people's health. Hair analyses of local residents show a high load of harmful substances such as lead in their organisms.

Drinking water pollution South Sudan: Photo selection

In this download you will find a selection of images for free use. The images are from the villages and oil production areas in Unity State and show affected people, oil production facilities and oil ponds, sampling and deep and hand wells.

Open letter to Daimler AG

Open letter dated March 18, 2016 to Dr. Dieter Zetsche and Daimler AG.

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