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Supplier Declaration

Sign of Hope's mandatory principles of humanitarian assistance procurement must be signed by suppliers. The declaration is an integral part of the contract.

Security Policy

Sign of Hope is committed to the safety and well-being of its own employees and those of project partners and wishes to ensure this through these principles.

Anti-Fraud & Anti-Corruption Policy

Sign of Hope condemns all forms of corrupt behavior such as bribery, nepotism and misappropriation.

Partnership Policy

As a principle and key way of implementation, Sign of Hope works through and with local partners. This approach is based on the conviction that local organisations are closer to the communities where Sign of Hope wants to create change.

Complaints & Whistleblowing Policy

Sign of Hope encourages its employees, beneficiaries, donors partners, etc. to report suspected cases of inappropriate behavior, corruption or sexual exploitation and abuse.

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct is intended to ensure that employees, representatives, volunteers and staff members of Sign of Hope and its partner organisations are committed to our beliefs, values and objectives.

Logistic Policy

Procurement of goods and services for Sign of Hope must be conducted in an open and competitive environment to ensure that prices paid are fair and reasonable. We pay special attention to the procurement of humanitarian assistance.

Policy on Child Protection & Protection from Sexual Exploitation & Abuse

Sign of Hope has zero tolerance for sexual abuse, sexual exploitation and harassment.

Annual Report 2018 of Sign of Hope

Facts and figures on the reporting year 2018 of Hoffnungszeichen │ Sign of Hope e.V. incl. information on the Hoffnungszeichen | Sign of Hope Foundation.

Multi-division accounting in accordance with principles of the German Charities Council

The publication of the multidivisional statement is a requirement of the German Charities Council. It presents fund income and fund expenditure briefly, concisely and clearly.

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