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Written statement 2017

The human rights situation in South Sudan - oil-caused contamination and its effects upon humans and the environment.

Examination of hair samples from residents in the petroleum area of South Sudan

Examination of hair samples from residents in the petroleum area of South Sudan for environmental exposure to toxic metals by Prof. Dr. Fritz Pragst, Institute of Forensic Medicine, Charité Berlin.

Hair sample analysis study

In a study published in Forensic Science International in 2017, Sign of Hope and a team of scientists were able to prove the link between oil pollution and the exposure of residents in the Thar Jath oil area.

Press conference on 18.05.2017: Pictures of speakers

Klaus Stieglitz, Vice Chairperson of Sign of Hope, and Prof. Dr. Fritz Pragst, Institute of Forensic Medicine at Charité Berlin, at the press conference.

People affected by drinking water pollution

Some affected people from Koch, for whom poisoning from oil waste has been proven by analysis of hair samples.

Management Report of Hoffnungszeichen | Sign of Hope e.V.

Management Report of the Executive Board of Hoffnungszeichen | Sign of Hope e.V. for the reporting year 2023. The report is part of the annual financial statements.

Präventive Maßnahmen in Basisgesundheitsstationen

Every human being has a right to health and medical care. But in many parts of the world, neither is a given. Access to hospitals and doctors is often unaffordable - if available at all. Poor people in particular continue to die from the consequences of preventable diseases, and children and women...

Informieren - Themen - Menschenrechte

Sign of Hope stands by people worldwide whose rights are violated or threatened. A particular focus is on religious freedom - we advocate for religious tolerance and the rights of persecuted religious minorities. On the basis of our own research, both in the affected countries, but also through...

Nahrung und Trinkwasser: zentrale Bedeutung in der humanitären Hilfe

As important as food and nutrition are for human life, these basic human needs are centrally addressed by Sign of Hope in both humanitarian assistance and development cooperation. Satisfying food and the intake of essential nutrients are central to the fight to overcome poverty, disease and hunger...

Hoffnungszeichen unterstützt weltweit Menschen in Not

Floods, earthquakes, violence or hunger rob hundreds of thousands of their livelihoods every year. Immediate aid is often vital for their survival. In the field of humanitarian assistance, which consists of emergency and disaster relief, Sign of Hope supports people in need worldwide. Humanitarian...

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