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Flag of Yemen


According to the Fragile States Index 2022, Yemen is considered the most unstable country in the world. When civil war broke out between Sunni and Shiite factions in 2015, several million people fled the armed fighting. Despite current peace negotiations, the people are in a dire situation: as a...
Flag of Indonesia


The world's largest island nation with a tropical, hot and humid climate is spread over 17,508 islands. Religious freedom is significantly restricted in Indonesia, as residents must profess one of five recognised world religions. There are also many health problems caused by industrial air pollution...

Flag of Mozambique


Mozambique has been struggling with various problems since a civil war that lasted for years in the 20th century. Child labor and poverty among the elderly are widespread. Major challenges in the country are also the consequences of climate change. Cyclones and the resulting floods destroy fields...

Flag of Zimbabwe


In the 1990s, Zimbabwe was considered one of the economically strongest countries in Africa. As part of a land reform in 2000, farmland was expropriated from peasant farms and redistributed. The result was a collapse of the economy. As a result, and due to an increase in weather extremes such as...

Flag of Ukraine


The republic is Europe's second-largest country by area and has a population of more than 43 million, according to the Human Development Report 2021/2022. In February 2014, a conflict broke out between Russia and Ukraine over the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea, which continues to this day. Since then...

Flag of Madagascar


Madagascar is considered one of the ten countries most at risk from climate change worldwide. The second largest island nation in terms of area on our planet is frequently hit by the effects of climate change. Natural forces such as hurricanes, floods and droughts threaten the livelihood of the...

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Worldwide, 767 million people live in extreme poverty, the majority of them in countries in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. They have less than 1.90 US dollars a day to live on. An overriding goal of international development cooperation is therefore to reduce poverty in countries of the global...

Flag of Zambia


According to the Human Development Report 2021/2022, around 19 million people live in the South African state. It has a mild tropical climate with three seasons: cool dry season, hot dry season and rainy season. Zambia has some water resources, including Victoria Falls. Nevertheless, many...

Flag of Lebanon


Because of its economic stability and political neutrality, Lebanon was considered the "Switzerland of the Orient" in the 1950s and 1960s. In the decades that followed, wars and economic crises disrupted the state in the Near East. The influx of numerous refugees from Syria since 2011 has put...

Flag of the Philippines


The Philippines is the fifth largest island nation in the world in terms of area. Typhoons and tropical storms occur there throughout the year. According to the Human Development Reports 2021/2022, the effects of climate change are having a severe impact on the country's nearly 114 million...

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