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Trinkwasser für eine der heißesten Regionen der Welt

Drinking water for one of the hottest regions in the world

Together with the village community and the local partner organization APDA, Sign of Hope enabled the construction of a two-chamber rainwater cistern in northeastern Ethiopia. With the amount of water collected in it, 500 people can be supplied with drinking water for three months.
Rehabilitierung von Weideland

Rehabilitation of pastoral land

Long periods of drought in Ethiopia's northeastern lowlands severely affect the lives of the semi-nomadic pastoralists of the Afar people. Drinking water and food for both humans and animals are scarce. The return of a river course to its original river bed and the collection of rainwater help.
Flüchtlingshilfe in Afar

Refugee aid in Afar

Thousands of refugees from Eritrea suffer from inadequate access to drinking water and sanitary facilities in the Ethiopian refugee camp Aysaita. The construction of water points, latrines and shower cabins is helping to improve the supply situation sustainably in the long term.
Bodenschutz für Mensch, Tier und Umwelt

Soil protection for humans, animals and the environment

Rain rarely falls in the Afar region. But when dry riverbeds fill up, the water masses often sweep away the soil instead of irrigating it. With the help of weirs, the flow rate can be slowed down and the water can seep into the surrounding countryside. This allows pasture grass for animals to grow...
Bitterer Winter, bittere Not

Bitter winter, bitter hardship

In two winter relief campaigns, our employees Wigen Aghanikjan and Aljona Zeytunyan hand over food packages, soap and washing powder to 150 families each year. The recipients are victims of the 1988 earthquake - destitute families, some of whom still live in destroyed houses, pensioners and invalids...
Fundraising organisations thrive on the trust that their supporters place in them. We want to establish and maintain this trust with the help of the greatest possible transparency and various auditing bodies.
Unser Bildungsprojekt im DR Kongo
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