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Über uns: Hilfsgüterlieferung von Hoffnungszeichen im Südsudan
Are you interested in working for the human rights and aid organisation Sign of Hope? On this page you will find current vacancy announcements of our East Africa Branch and other project offices.
In the north of South Sudan, the oil industry around the Malaysian state-owned company Petronas is contaminating people's drinking water. The heavy metals, chemicals and salts used in the extraction and processing of crude oil find their way into the organisms of the population. Here you will find...
We take the protection of your personal data very seriously. Sign of Hope treats your data confidentially and in accordance with legal regulations and the information on this page.
Armenspeisung in Bergdörfern

Feeding the poor in the mountain villages

Catholic Sister Verena Birnbacher of the Ayopaya Mission Circle is the director of a social center. She takes in people who recieve no state aid and live in bitter need. Here they get a monthly package of food such as rice, bread or oil, as well as a small amount of money.
Kuhkredit und Schweinezucht

Cow credit and pig breeding

Livestock farming plays a major role in rural regions of Vietnam, but many farmers lack the capital to purchase animals and maintain their stables. In a revolving credit scheme, farmers' associations receive either money or animals. With the offspring they breed, they can not only provide for...
Gesunde Familien – gesunde Gesellschaft

Healthy families - healthy society

To meet the challenges of an increasingly urbanized country, our partner in Vietnam also supports social structures in urban areas. To ensure that everyone finds their place and is valued, interpersonal relationships and social integration skills are promoted. In this way, people can live in dignity...
So hilft Hoffnungszeichen
The first article of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany states: Human dignity is inviolable. In our work, we focus on the dignity of every human being and are guided by five principles.

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