Search results: 233 (page 5 of 24)

Dürren, Heuschrecken und Covid-19: Bauern an ihren Grenzen

Droughts, locusts and Covid-19: Farmers at their limits

The livelihoods of many small farmers and pastoralists in the Afar region are under threat: More and more pasture and cropland is being lost due to climate-related droughts; the soil is becoming desolate and livestock is dying. At the same time, a plague of locusts is threatening the harvest. The...
Vorbereitung auf humanitäre Notlagen
Better together - versatile cooperations help us to achieve our goals and to realise projects successfully.
Trinkwasser für benachteiligte Bevölkerungsgruppen

Drinking water for disadvantaged populations

In the Karamoja project region of Uganda, there is inadequate access to clean water and adequate sanitation, leading to poverty and disease. Through the project, 12,000 households will gain access to safe, diversified and sustainable water sources for multiple uses, as well as sanitation facilities...

Promoting climate resilient communities

The effects of climate change are leading to an increasing decline and loss of livelihoods and natural resources in the project region of Isiolo County in Kenya. The project contributes to the sustainable livelihood of the population by increasing resilience to the impacts of climate change.
Besserer Zugang zu Trinkwasser, Sanitärversorgung und Hygiene

Better access to drinking water, sanitation and hygiene

In the Kamonyi district of Rwanda, many households do not have access to sufficient clean drinking water. In connection with this, personal hygiene is also problematic. The project helps to improve the living conditions of the population by expanding access to drinking water, improving sanitation...
Bildung für benachteiligte Kinder

Education for disadvantaged children

For children from disadvantaged families in Bukavu in the Democratic Republic of Congo, lack of access to education is a major problem. Due to a lack of alternatives, they are forced to make a living through irregular, sometimes dangerous work or petty crime on the streets. The project promotes...
Gemeindebasierte Entwicklung zur Minderung von Armut

Community-based development to alleviate poverty

The majority of the target group in Gobindaganj in northern Bangladesh live in extreme poverty and are unable to improve their own living situation in the long term without external help. In the course of establishing self-help groups, various training courses are offered and carried out. These...
Vorbereitung auf humanitäre Notlagen

Preparation for humanitarian emergencies

Local non-governmental organisations are the first and last to provide on-site assistance and support reconstruction in the event of a disaster. For this reason, a total of ten local partner organisations in particularly disaster-prone countries are being given specialist training to enable them to...
Hilfe gegen die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels

Help against the effects of climate change

The effects of climate change in the form of droughts, an unpredictable onset of the rainy season and flooding, as well as the lack of alternative income opportunities, are leading to food insecurity in the Mchinji district of Malawi. The result is health problems, poverty and a lack of prospects...

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