Search results: 233 (page 2 of 24)

Frau in der Trockenheit Äthiopiens

Food security and peace for the people in the South Omo Zone

In the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples of Ethiopia (SNNPR) region in the southwest of the country, food is scarce due to climatic changes. Plants and animals alike are suffering. The emerging competition for the few resources also results in conflicts between different villages and...

Food security and education for people in northern Iraq

Together with our local partner Amal, Sign of Hope supports particularly vulnerable families in the town of Zakho with food and hygiene articles. In addition, educational measures are carried out for students in order to increase their chances of entering the workforce.
Schulunterricht in Uganda
Mutual respect and appreciation are important to us. If you would like to give us feedback or make a complaint, please contact our ombudsperson. She will be happy to help you, treat your concerns confidentially and work with you to find a solution. For this purpose, please enter your Email address...
Frauen in überfluteten Feldern

Food security after floods

Mozambique is regularly affected by cyclones. The resulting floods destroy fields as well as pastures, damage agriculture, livestock and thus the local population. Through our project, we want to improve the nutritional situation of the people and give them access to seeds and chickens.
Familie in Guatemala

Supporting disaster-prone communities

The southwestern region of Quetzaltenango is one of the areas most affected by natural disasters in Guatemala. Sign of Hope supports the local population in securing their livelihoods, food and shelter. In addition, access to nutrition and health services will be improved and community disaster...
Frau im Süden Äthiopiens

Securing food and water supply

The people of Bena Tsemay district in southern Ethiopia are threatened by poverty and the effects of climate change, they suffer from droughts that are only occasionally interrupted by floods. Poor infrastructure and a lack of awareness of the effects of climate change prevent them from...
Kuhverteilung in Armenien

Cow distribution North Armenia

To support families in the structurally weak north of Armenia, 13 households in the Shirak region are each receiving a pregnant cow. Along with training and veterinary care, this enables the families to produce dairy products and meat for their own consumption and later for sale. The first calf born...
40 Jahre Hoffnungszeichen
In 2023, Sign of Hope will turn 40. Millions of people around the world have so far benefited from our work and built a life with dignity. This year, we are taking a special look at the work we have done.

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