Search results: 233 (page 7 of 24)

Ein Reisbauer bestellt sein vom Klimawandel bedrohtes Feld.

Adaptation to climate change in the Sundarban Islands

The Sundarban Islands are located in the Ganges Delta in the Indian state of West Bengal. Due to rising sea levels, they are particularly affected by the effects of climate change. The aim of the project is to protect the ecosystem and the livelihood of the local population. Together, long-term...
In order to meet the needs of those affected by crises, wars, disasters and other emergencies, Sign of Hope is committed to complying with international quality standards.
Mit Ihrer Spende können die Teller der Schulkinder in Maker Kuei jeden Tag gefüllt werden. Die Kinder sagen von Herzen „Danke!“

School meals for 1,750 pupils

The Loreto Sisters run an elementary school in Maker Kuei near Rumbek with currently almost 1,400 students aged five to fourteen and also a boarding school for girls with a secondary school and about 350 students aged fourteen to twenty. The nuns are also involved in basic health care and offer...
Viele Menschen in der DR Kongo haben aufgrund der schwierigen Lebensumstände im Land nie gelernt, Felder ertragreich zu bestellen. Deshalb ermöglichen wir den Dorfbewohnern Schulungen im Anbau von Gemüse.

Fighting hunger with learning groups and community field work

More than 2.2 million children in the DR Congo are malnourished. Child mortality is extremely high, largely due to inadequate nutrition. In their distress, families resort to the cheapest foods, but these do not adequately provide children with the nutrients they need. The province of Sud-Ubangi is...
Jeden Tag ist der Andrang in der Klinik in Rumbek groß. Mütter, die mit ihren Kindern oft stundenlange Fußmärsche hinter sich haben, warten geduldig.

Hope in Rumbek

Medical care in South Sudan is inadequate in many areas. For the people in Rumbek, the local health facility has therefore been a vital point of contact for many years. Here, the poorest people receive care and competent treatment in case of illness, hunger or pregnancy. Run by Sign of Hope itself...
Verantwortungsvolles Handeln
In the work of Sign of Hope, we are aware of our responsibility towards our fellow human beings. In order to live up to this, we have imposed rules of conduct on ourselves.
Um ihr und weiteren Hirten-Familien in der Wüste Kenias zu helfen, fährt eine mobile Klinik zu den Gemeinschaften, um sie zu behandeln und ihnen zu zeigen, dass sie nicht alleine gelassen werden.

Medical care in remote regions

In northern Kenya's Baringo and Marsabit counties, people are suffering from the effects of extreme drought - large parts of their herds have died and there is a lack of food. Health care is also inadequate in these remote areas. Sign of Hope sends a mobile clinic - an all-terrain vehicle equipped...
In der Gesundheitsstation in Kosike

Enabling people to receive medical care

The Ugandan district of Amudat in the northeastern region of Karamoja is in desolate condition. Here, people have an extremely low life expectancy, very high levels of acute malnutrition and HIV infection rate. More than one in two people have no access to clean drinking water. Medical care is...
Die Not von Familien mit Kleinkindern wie Buthaina ist besonders groß. Sie sind dringend auf Unterstützung angewiesen.

Famine and cholera threaten the country

23.4 million people in Yemen are dependent on humanitarian aid due to the civil war. Over two million children are acutely malnourished. One in two has no access to clean drinking water and sanitary facilities. Together with a local partner, we help with food, water and hygiene articles.
Jeder der kann, hilft, die Säcke vorzubereiten, die Nahrung wie Mais und Sorghum auszuteilen oder den Kraftlosen zu helfen, ihre Rationen zu transportieren.

Food in the greatest need

Thousands of people are fleeing their home villages because of drought and war. Many families are seeking refuge in the diocese of Rumbek. But hunger prevails here as well - both among the locals and the refugees. We are helping with foodstuffs such as beans, maize and sorghum to tide them over...

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