Search results: 233 (page 6 of 24)

Strengthening resilience against drought

Food supply is a major challenge in the Nkukula project region in the Dowa district of Malawi. One reason for this is the increasingly shorter rainy seasons and longer periods of drought, which lead to crop failures. Sign of Hope helps to improve the food security and living conditions of about 1...
Organisation chart of Sign of Hope
Sign of Hope is legally, organisationally and financially independent. Behind the registered association is a dedicated team consisting of full-time and voluntary employees.
Die ersten Schafe sind an die Projektteilnehmer übergeben. Unsere armenischen Mitarbeiter begleiten die Menschen während der gesamten Projektlaufzeit.

Sheep distribution for livelihood security

The villages of Jajajur and Hovit are located in the Shirak province in northern Armenia, which is one of the provinces most affected by unemployment and poverty. The project provides impoverished families with sheep. By selling dairy products and wool and covering their own needs, the households'...
Schüler Rumbek

Education against poverty and hunger

Poverty and hunger shape the lives of many children in South Sudan. To escape the vicious cycle, they need sustainable help - the first step: a school education. Education creates courage, confidence and self-responsibility and enables people to free themselves from the spiral of misery. In a large...
Sichere Ernten für 4.200 Haushalte

Livelihood security for smallholder farmers

Climatic changes in southwestern Ethiopia are increasingly leading to crop losses - with severe consequences for the population. Smallholder farmers in Mirab Abaya live mainly on agricultural yields, which are threatened by long periods of drought and periods of heavy rain, drought and flooding. We...
Gesundheit für Hirtenvolk der Dassenech

Health for pastoralists from the Dassenech Community

In northern Kenya, on the border with Ethiopia within Marsabit county, is the village of Illeret. Life for the Dassenech people living here is hard: Unpredictable droughts make their livestock farming difficult and hunger is the result - children in particular suffer from deficiencies. At the same...
Pflanzen von Auberginen

Agricultural education for displaced people and locals

People from South Sudan in particular, but also from the DR Congo, are finding refuge in northwestern Uganda. In the district of Arua around the community of Adraa, our goal is to teach refugees as well as locals basic agricultural and commercial skills. As part of a school-based training program...
Gemeindebasierte Regenerierung fragiler Ökosysteme

Community-based regeneration of fragile ecosystems.

The Teso region is one of the areas in Uganda most affected by climate change. Increasing changes in rainy seasons, droughts and the general climate pose new challenges for the population around the community of Awoja. This is where the project comes in. The threatened ecosystem is to be regenerated...
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